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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Reflection (Nov 11, 2008)

Whasshakin SoulJah,

This has been one helluva weekend. That Mala-thon was AMAZING. I had the
good fortune of playing drums with my dear friend, Russ Feingold for the maj-
ority of our time in the park. We got our yoga on while the other participants
were taking their quarterly shivasanas (resting breaks :), and when everyone
else stood up, we got back down on the skins and rattles. It was SO NICE. I
forget sometimes how much music feeds my soul. Playing and participating
in the musically creative process really wakes me up and enlivens my spirit.
I should do that more often. ;)

Then we had an INCREDIBLE much goodness, so many good souls
united in the name of service, all contributing to the power of change and trans-
formation. And then, of course, we broke down when the cops showed up and
transitioned into an acoustic jam session that went till 4:30 in the morning. Good
people, good music, and good money for a good cause.

AND, speaking of...I got halfway to my donation goal of a grand to the Tree of Life.
HALFWAY in 2 DAYS!!! I have such beautifully supportive friends. Maha Thanks.

So now that I've spent 2 months studying and honing my yoga practice so as to
teach it to others, and thrown my energy out into the world to throw two fundraisers,
talking to everyone and going everywhere to do so...I'm going into silence for ten days.
I'm headin' up to Northfork, CA for a 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat. I hear it's
really intense, and intensely clarifying. I personally feel like it'll be super-sweet to be
taken care of for ten days, my only responsibility being introspection and observation.
My life is built on intensity. That ain't nuthin' new. ;)

In other news:
I feel a hike comin's been far too long, and with the change in seasons, it's nice
to get out and check out what Mama Nature's up to. If you have any suggestions, lay
'em on me. Just after Thanksgiving should work.

Thanks for being you. No-one does it quite the way you do. Keep it up.


We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up and Love.



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