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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

more to burn

The Mother is wiping me clean.

I have been asked to let go. I have asked to release. So much of my life is a house that's no longer comfortable to live in, a construct, or series of constructs that I have built for protection and preservation. All my life I've been a packrat, saving cool looking whatevers from the trash bin in hopes of using them for something, holding on tight to anyone who ever once paid me a kind word, cherishing accomplishments and awards as marks of achievement...steps toward an elusive concept of success. All of these things have built a protective shell around my existence that keep me from too much wounding, movement, groove...

And now I've asked to take it all off. To rid myself of anything that stands between me and Me. Anything that mars my understanding and love of the Most High.

And she always gives you what you request with a pure heart. Dammit.

Now I laugh when things go "awry." The Mother is working.
My favorite jeans snag on a license plate and rip a hole in the leg...I laugh.
A woman I love won't call me back...I laugh.
I don't have the funds to go home for the holy got it. :)

I just synced my ipod to my computer for the first time ever. I found a way to upload all my music to one spot, and manage it in a simple and time-efficient manner. Perfect for my upcoming travels to India. Quick, easy, copyable, managable.
I didn't take playlists into account.
I have created playlists for every possible situation in which I might need music.
Massage playlists, yoga playlists, waking up, making love, cooking, heartbreak, name it. AND, I have created specific playlists for every woman I've fallen in love with in the last 3 years. All named, of course, after said loves. I carry these particular ones as reminders of the rollercoaster of short-lived romance. Chronicles of the time we spent together...something to laugh and cry to. Personal soundtracks, if you will.
I just accidentally wiped every one of these playlists from the face of existence. None of them ever made it to disc, none uploaded to others' hard drives...GONE.

I freaked out for half a second, long enough to mutter words better not heard by the ears of children...then the incredible lightness set in.
I'm no longer bound by those memories!
I don't have to carry the past!
I can create something totally new and fresh and relevant to right now!!!

God bless the workings of God. Lord knows I do.
Give thanks.
Give thanks.
Give thanks.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Time is Drawing Nigh (Dec 16, 2008)

Greetings, Rajan,

I love this life.
I mean, I'm really diggin' this existence. A friend told me today that
the Universe is a woman...if you touch her just right, she opens like a lotus
and gives you everything you could ever want. Yes.
Malleable. Impermanent. Impressionable.

Yet consciousness is unchanging. Unwavering. The love of the Most High is
ever-steady, watching, laughing silently as we fumble around in fleshy form
numbly trying to figure it all out.

Feel, and through sensation, connect with everything. Movement and stillness,
experience and observation, Shiva and Shakti...

My friend, ups and downs are inevitable. The market, amorous love, exuber-
ance, it all changes. All the time, it changes...sometimes slowly, other times
with a rapidity known only to particles of light. What can we hold onto? Where
can we rest our love?
Breathe, be still...You know.

Forgive my ramblings...I've been writing all day. :) I've been setting up all the
behind the scenes necessaries for a life lived excellently (by my standards)
while I'm away. As I journey out, I'll be diving in, finding the strength to serve
through self-nourishment...calling upon the gifts my Creator has given me...
writing, music, intuitive understanding and creative expression. By day, I'm a
do-gooder, helping those who break their backs to make the world go 'round.
By night, mystic and poet. Lover and Beloved.
Not a bad way to roll, huh?

You can peruse my pennings in two other places.
This is a a collection of previous emails and timely updates from the
frontlines of this seva mission.
This one is for those who wanna dive a little deeper. I can't guarantee
that all content will be suitable for all ages, so consider yourself cau-

I've also created a paypal account for anyone who cares to donate to the
cause. These donations aren't tax-deductible, unfortunately, but they will
count as karma points. :) All funds coming to this account will be utilized to
do more service work while I'm out east. They'll cover things like travel expen-
ses, economic assistance to small-business owners, food for the community
house I'll be staying at, and whatever emergencies may arise.
You may click here to donate, or follow the link at the bottom of this email.

Last Yoga Class
Before I bail, I have one more Wednesday at the Shiatsu Massage School in
Santa Monica. This is going to be a really good one. It's the last in this series
on grounding and moving with purpose. If you haven't had a chance to make it
yet, here ya go. Jump in. :)

Bodywork, Private Yoga and Meditation

I only have a few more spaces available in the next week and a half to see
patients and students. If you want to give someone an amazing Christmas or
Hanukkah gift, it doesn't get much better than the experience of empowerment
and tranquility. If you wanna give yourself this gift that you may better bring your
inner gifts to the outer world, even better.
Call for an appointment, and call soon.
323 620 3239

Sit still, my friend. It's all happening, right now, right before you, and your full
participation is essential. Be quiet, and listen for the whispers.

I love you.

Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Funding Brilliance

If you would like to donate to the service work I'm doing in India, you can click on the link below. Financial love is appreciated to cover travel expenses, miscellaneous medical happenstances, telecommunication, and whatever else might come up.
If you're feeling generous this holiday season and beyond, please don't hesitate to click and donate.
Thank you!

Every dollar makes a difference.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

14 days till liftoff

Dec. 14
Only 2 weeks left to go before I board a plane to Mama India.
So much left to do.
I need to get a smaller computer. I have this big heavy phat laptop, but I don't think it's a good idea to lug it around's kinda frail at this point, anyhow. What I'd love is a small, lightweight aluminum macbook.
Puttin' it out there, Universe!
I also need to go get new glasses, as mine have been broken for a long cool minute now...and some shoes...
Tyin' up loose ends, seeing patients...these fill my days. Finding places to give my stuff away. Doing my best to get enough sleep. Meditating. Slippin' in asana series ten minutes at a time.
Anxiety grabs me by the gut for a few minutes every day now. I release and trust that I'm in flow...this twisting is just my resistance to letting go, I know.
So much learned.
So much left to learn.
Man, this life is BIG, and here I've been foolish enough to take on livin'. :) And livin' little don't work no more. Arms outstretched, heart open and vulnerable is the only way that I can play these days, love spreading across the planet, even bathing those I don't enjoy, people, places, situations, everything filled with this all pervading acceptance. Appreciation.
And the ride gets sweeter.
Like honey...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

This Weekend (Dec 12, 2008)

Hey Homie

Danced my A$$ off last night...sweet rhythms played wicked twisties through these hips.
I love Afrofunke.

So check it:
This weekend is full of madness and blissful insanity in the form of social interaction. I hope
I get to see you for some or all of it.
Here's the quick breakdown...

Selfcentered party at Modern Om. It's the one-year anniversary of sc's inception, and this
is gonna be one helluva party. Music, Food, Yoga, Meditation, Poetry, Dancing, and I'll be
rockin' the mic all night as your gracious host.
Come play with me. :)

Eco-Gift Expo during the day, Family Affair party at night. Eco-Gift is a great place to score
some great deals on conscious products. It's held at the Santa Monica Convention Center.
Lots of live music, samples, and yummy food in addition to the aforementioned shopping.
Then the Family Affair party comes screamin' to raise awareness about the perils of plastics.
These parties with a purpose are ALWAYS dope, as Miss Debi Mae West is a f'n rockstar,
and knows how to get down.
Again, come play.

Screening of the second "One Giant Leap" film, entitled "What About Me?"
If you never saw the first one, GO RENT IT. It's amazing. These cats made a 13 track visual
album of world music, topped with philosophy from around the globe. It's more than a movie.
It's an experience.
And now the experience has been expanded, with the release of the second movie featuring
Eckhart Tolle and Michael Franti, Ram Das and Noam Chomsky.
The screening has been paired with dancing to DJ Dragonfly and loads of raw chocolate to get
you good and natura-high. AAAAAND, the whole shindig benefits the powerful yoga-charity,
Off the Mat and Into the World.

In other news:

Correction to my last email. In order to take advantage of the donation adjustments at The Life
Center Chiropractic, you must first visit Dr. Brook for a consultation. He's cut the price of that
visit (including thermo-spinal-analysis, x-rays and some other stuff) by 75% to make it easy on
you. Get at that man, if you haven't already.

Okay, I gotta run. I have 2 yoga privates to teach this morning before a day full of sessions.
Hope to see you this weekend.


ps. Next Thursday is the last Afrofunke of the year. BIG holiday party. Come sweat with me.

Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

A Week In the Life (Dec 9, 2008)

Hey My Friend,

The crazy train is screaming down the tracks, as I'm leaving for India in less than
3 weeks (!!!) and I'll be gone for 2 months. There is SO MUCH to wrap up in this
detachment from my "life." I'm in such an intense process of shedding right now,
my primary mission being constant service in the highest ways possible. I realize
that this means letting go of a lot of what I've identified myself by so that I'm free
to fly wherever I need to go. I'm taking carload after carload of personal posses-
sions to Goodwill, tying up loose ends with individuals and institutions, letting go
of relationships, and in general, creating space for whatever's next.

Deep breath...

Fortunately, I'm in cahoots with a crew of do-gooders who are supportive and at
times, collaborative. We've got some cool stuff coming up, so grab your calendar
and get ready to write.

Wellness Collab:
My friend and master chiropractor, Jeremy Brook, will be offering Donation-Based
Adjustments from December 22-24th.
I'll be in the office on the 23rd giving free chair massage from 9am-1pm. We want
to make sure that you stay healthy through the holidays, so come getcha immunity-
boost on!

All proceeds will be donated to Global Green in their attempt to rebuild New Orleans,
combat climate change, create sustainable communities, eliminate weapons of
mass destruction, and promote access to clean water as a global human right. Talk
about a worthy organization!!!

Take care of yourself while you help take care of others. That's the gig, right? Right.

Life Center Chiropractic
11666 Gateway Blvd.
Los Angeles 90064

Powerful Community:
Selfcentered just turned one (as in age), and we're throwing a birthday party! Come
celebrate our Oneness this Friday, December 12th from 7pm till we drop at Modern
Om in Marina del Rey.

Join us for Yoga, Meditation, Live Music, Live Painting, Poetry, Food and more.
Tickets are only $20, and it will sell out.

Peep this for details:

Modern Om
13452 Washington Blvd.
Marina del Rey, 90292

Playful Warrior Tantric Hatha Yoga:
I've only got two more yoga classes left this month, as I won't be teaching on Christmas
Eve or Christmas Day, for obvious reasons. :)

This month's focus is grounding and stability. In these shaky times, it's essential to tap
into your core and drop your root deep into the earth. These 90 minute sessions are
expertly designed to do just that.

Come play with us on Wednesday at 4:30 and learn something profound about yourself
while deepening your practice.
All classes are by donation, so bring your friends and rock your body.

Shiatsu Massage School
2309 Main St (entrance on Strand)
Santa Monica, 90405

In Other News:

Zen Den No More.
I'm letting go of my private massage studio in Venice at the end of this month when I
leave the country. It has served me well for the last year and a half, and now it's time
for me to step away. I have many fond memories of many great sessions in there, with
singing bowls and hot stones, warm towels and didgeridoo embellishments to some
amazing bodywork, yoga and meditation treatments.

I only have 3 more Fridays in there, so if you'd like to experience the greatness of the
Den, give me a shout so we can sort it out.

323 620 3239

Mateo's Appointment Line

I'm volunteering at a continuation school in Santa Monica on Mondays and Wednesdays
till about 11am, teaching yoga to kids. That means that I'm usually hungry and available
around 11:30 on those days. If you'd like to grab lunch near the water in the next couple
of weeks, just gimme a shout.

Thank you for continuing to play with this warrior of the heart. It's not about winning
every battle, it's about showing up.
Thanks for showing up.

Love you

Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

More Goodness For Ya (Dec 2, 2008)

Beloved One,

Take a big deep breath RIGHT NOW.
Let it roll in and out, moving your ribcage and softening your belly.

Now get another. Notice the shifts that are subtly taking place now within your body.

Now take the biggest breath you've had all day and hold it at the top. As you hold, allow
your shoulders to soften, your face to melt, and your pelvic floor to drop, releasing all tension.

Now release SLOWLY...4...3...2...1...

Doesn't that feel awesome? Did you get a little headrush? I love those. :)

That's my practice, several times a day. This crazy train is screamin' down the tracks right now...
so much to do before I depart for India, to live in service for 2 months straight. Going where God
calls me and doing whatever is to be done. I know that I'll be starting the journey by offering ther-
apeutic yoga and adjustments for free through a charity school and clinic in Goa, but after that, I
don't exactly know. I'm just going with the intention to be in service, and we'll see what happens.

It can also be a little overwhelming sometimes when I look at the whole picture: what's to be
done to prepare, the reality of unplugging from my life in Los Angeles for 60 days, all the inter-per-
sonal dynamics at play, not to mention the fact that the Holiday season is upon us, and I have a
full-time business to manage in the midst of all this...all so big, ya know?
So I breathe. Relax. Soften. Get myself supple so as to navigate these waters with grace. Soak it
all in and channel it through.

Fortunately, I have tools to keep me sane. I turn within, I turn to books, I turn to bodywork, and I
turn to movement. And in the theme of opening these floodgates and sharing my gifts, I'd like to
pass some gifts to you.

On the literary tip:
My friend, Brian Johnson, has started a company called PhilosophersNotes. He breaks down all
the major "big idea" books and presents them in a simple and easy to digest form. They're similar
to Cliff's Notes, only more profound and entertaining.
Brian is giving away subscriptions for the Holidays, and he invited me to offer one to you. Go to and sign up to start reading right away.
Free (for a limited time).

On self knowledge:

I've moved my Thursday yoga class to Wednesdays for the next few weeks until I make my way to
Mumbai. These 4 classes will be a series in grounding, as we all need a bit of stability during these
crazy times. Come to the Shiatsu School on Main Street in Santa Monica from 4:30-6 for the next
4 Wednesdays to root down and rise up. Bring your friends. These classes are, as always, by donation.

On the bodywork front:
I'm still offering all my services by donation for the next 4 days. I only have a couple spaces on Thursday
and Friday available, so if you haven't called me, CALL ME.
After Friday, I'll still be available, but no longer by donation. Don't let that stop you from tending to yourself,
though. If you have any interest in managing your stress whatsoever, call me and we'll sort all necessary

Ahh, to move...:
I need to dance. SERIOUSLY need to dance. I'm gonna go hit Afro-Funke at Zanzibar on Thursday night. I'll
get there around 9:30pm, so if you wanna sweat out all your joys, frustrations, elations and prayers, come
join me on the dancefloor. Ain't no better way to talk to God than through the body...supercharged. :)
Cover is a mere $7.

Remember to take time for yourself DAILY. As we move into the madness of family time and disruption of
routine matched with inclement weather and heightened expectation, there's nothing more important than
tending to the vessel and tapping into personal truth. Stand in the center and you'll always know where you
Be sure to drink LOTS of water, brush your teeth, and get plenty of rest.

I love you, and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Stress Management Specialist
323 620 3230

Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

I've Got One For Ya (Nov 25, 2008)

Aho, Mighty Warrior of Love,

I'm fresh off the mountain and feelin clear. 10 days of intense introspection
in the clean mountain air will do that for a man.
I've tapped into the truth held deep in my body, and opened the channels of
Spirit's wisdom para mi vida.

I received a lot of downloads whilst in retreat regarding how I move through the
world and the best ways to do so from this point forward, and one of the things
that came through powerfully was that it's time to open the floodgates NOW.
It's time to let my gifts pour forth unencumbered, and help others to do the same.
It's time to rock.

What does that look like?

In the immediate here and now, I'm offering all of my services: bodywork,
yoga training and meditation lessons completely by donation to you
and your friends, for the next ten days.

Lemme drop that again...

From now till December 5th, you can get therapeutic bodywork, private yoga
instruction, and meditation instruction, and the cost will be whatever you
feels right for you.

If you've been holding back on taking care of yourself, NOW'S THE TIME.
If you've been wanting to send your friends in for amazing treatments, NOW IS

If you've been dreaming about a drunken hippopotamus living in your bathtub, MAYBE

But you should definitely get a massage, deepen your yoga practice, and drop
in for some stillness.
Now's the time to do it.

Here's some perspective:
My rates are as follows:
$125/hr -- Therapeutic Bodywork
$100/hr -- Private Yoga Lessons
$150/hr -- Meditation Instruction

Something else to consider:
I'm leaving for India in 4 weeks. I'll be gone for two months. I want to make sure
to see all my clients and friends before I go, and since I plan on working up until
departure, this is the best way to marry the worlds.
YOU NEED THIS, and here it is, easily accessible.
Sweet, huh?

Pick up your phone and call me to sort the details right now, as this offer only
stands for a week and a half, and I already have appointments on the books.

Unfortunately, people will miss out. Don't be one of those people.

323 620 3239

Participation trumps hesitation every time.

Remember how beautiful you are, and know that you are loved more than you can

Huge hugs and Much love

Feel free to forward this to your friends. If they're cool with you, they're fine by me.

Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, KNOW THYSELF.
We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

Reflection (Nov 11, 2008)

Whasshakin SoulJah,

This has been one helluva weekend. That Mala-thon was AMAZING. I had the
good fortune of playing drums with my dear friend, Russ Feingold for the maj-
ority of our time in the park. We got our yoga on while the other participants
were taking their quarterly shivasanas (resting breaks :), and when everyone
else stood up, we got back down on the skins and rattles. It was SO NICE. I
forget sometimes how much music feeds my soul. Playing and participating
in the musically creative process really wakes me up and enlivens my spirit.
I should do that more often. ;)

Then we had an INCREDIBLE much goodness, so many good souls
united in the name of service, all contributing to the power of change and trans-
formation. And then, of course, we broke down when the cops showed up and
transitioned into an acoustic jam session that went till 4:30 in the morning. Good
people, good music, and good money for a good cause.

AND, speaking of...I got halfway to my donation goal of a grand to the Tree of Life.
HALFWAY in 2 DAYS!!! I have such beautifully supportive friends. Maha Thanks.

So now that I've spent 2 months studying and honing my yoga practice so as to
teach it to others, and thrown my energy out into the world to throw two fundraisers,
talking to everyone and going everywhere to do so...I'm going into silence for ten days.
I'm headin' up to Northfork, CA for a 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat. I hear it's
really intense, and intensely clarifying. I personally feel like it'll be super-sweet to be
taken care of for ten days, my only responsibility being introspection and observation.
My life is built on intensity. That ain't nuthin' new. ;)

In other news:
I feel a hike comin's been far too long, and with the change in seasons, it's nice
to get out and check out what Mama Nature's up to. If you have any suggestions, lay
'em on me. Just after Thanksgiving should work.

Thanks for being you. No-one does it quite the way you do. Keep it up.


We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up and Love.



Let's Do This (Nov 8, 2008)


In just a few short hours I will begin my Yoga Mala...108 Sun Salutations
to raise funds for charity work in Goa, India. I'll be sweating in the California
sunshine to the rhythms of hand drums and the sounds of 20 other burners
breathing heavy beside me. Pray for me. :)

I still have yet to reach my goal of $1000 to donate to the Tree of Life. We're
gettin close, but not quite there yet.
I did some math, and figured out that if everyone I know was to contribute $5,
I would not only meet this mark, but exceed it, thus facilitating more service
to more people.

Will you help me?

All you have to do is go to,
and click on the donate button, then send me an email letting me know that
you've laid your fivespot on the mat, so I can keep track of what's comin
through. Simple, huh?

I know that when people put their energies together behind a common goal,
mountains can be moved. Let's get ta diggin. ;)

Much Love,

ps. remember that all contributions to this 501c3 charity are TAX DEDUCT-
IBLE, so you can help yourself while helping others. WIN-WIN!!!
Bless up.

We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.


Help Me Help People (Nov 4, 2008)

Hey Family

I'm participating in an Asana Mala on November 8th, and I'm asking for
your help.
This is basically a yoga-thon to raise money to open a school and thera-
peutic clinic to serve the local community with free services. Though India
is the home of yoga, a lot of women, children and working class people
don't get to learn and practice this ancient healing art, because of their
socio-economic conditions. There is a great deal of physical suffering there
for the manual laborers that therapeutic yoga can help heal. Yoga itself is
an empowering tool that elevates the individual no matter what poverty or
hardships they live with.

I feel that yoga has offered so much to my life, giving me a way to take
care of my body while stilling my spirit, and I'd like to give back to the
culture that made it possible for me to practice.

My teacher, Psalm is going to start the school in a couple of weeks, (and
I'll be joining her to work with the community in January), and I really be-
lieve in the work that she's doing. It's for this reason that I'm participating in
this yoga-thon, and I would love it if you would sponsor me.

My goal is to personally raise $1000 to donate to the Tree of Life, a 501c3
non-profit. If you could contribute at least 50 bucks, it would be a huge help,
though of course, every little bit helps. Even $20 moves me closer to my goal.
You can make your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation here, by going to, or show up with a check on the day of the Mala.

We'll be doing 108 sun salutations, starting at 10am on Saturday the 8th.
If you'd like to come out and enjoy the sunshine with us, we'll be at the park
where Bay St. meets the beach, just east of the bike path. We'll have music
and movement. Bring a blanket and some food and you've got a helluva way
to start a Saturday. :)

THEN, that night, we'll be rockin a fundraiser party in Beverly Hills. We have
a beautiful location, and we're setting it up as an Indian lounge, complete
with delicious food, DJs, live music, dancing, live auction, and beautiful bright
people. There's no cover, though we do ask that you bring your checkbook
and/or credit card.

Thank you so much for believing in me, and helping me help others.


We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

2 Chances 2 Play (oct. 21, 2008)

Hey there, my friend,

I'm still deep in my training with just less than 2 weeks to go. I'm kinda saddened by
the prospect of not being in class every day. I've come to love the intensity of this
practice, and the group experience. If you haven't noticed, I'm a bit of a communal
creature, and it's been really nice being with the same beautiful people every morning
for over a month and a half. I'm also a bit of a fire freak, and this intensity is bliss.

But every baby bird's gotta fly sometime, and party with his peeps on the periphery
when Spirit sees fit.

Fortunately, I've been really well tended to while in the nest, and properly prepared
for what's to come. As sad as I am to be leaving my group, I'm equally, if not more
excited to face the world with new-found knowledge ingrained in my brain and being.
I feel like Neo in The Matrix, when they jacked that wire into the back of his skull,
downloaded a program...his eyes pop open and he says, "Whoa. I know Kung Fu."
My operating system's a little slower,'s a 2 month download wrapped in
a class, but the effect is the same.

Whoa. I know Yoga.

And now it's my given responsibility and pleasure to share it with you. :)

I invite you to come join my group class this Thursday, from 4:30-6pm at the Shiatsu
school in Santa Monica
. I'll also be subbing for my dear sister, Nianna, on Wednes-
day, same time, same place.

This branch of Hatha Yoga is more based in the pranic body than some other more
common forms taught here in the west. It's similar to Kundalini in that the focus is
energetic cultivation and personal evolution, sometimes moving in a non-linear fashion.
I like to focus on invoking the warrior spirit by opening the heart and creative centers,
while strengthening the container that holds this lifeforce.
I also like to incorporate partnered exercises to keep that communal spirit alive and
help us all open a little more than possible when flowin' solo.
All in all, it's fun. Otherwise I wouldn't do it. ;)

As requested, I'm now also taking private yoga students, focusing on the therapeutic
aspects of moving the body. These sessions are an extension of my bodywork practice,
so they're deep and hands-on. To schedule an appointment or ask questions, simply
call 323 620 3239.

I'm gonna go enjoy this splendid SoCal sunshine while it's still here to enjoy. Have a
glorious day, and know that you are loved.

Time to fly.


We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

losing my mind (Oct. 8, 2008)

...and shattering my ego...

Pawanmuktasana, shashankasana, trataka, mooladhara...
Swatisthana, bhastrika, brahmacharya, moolabandhasana...

Yep, I think I'm going crazy. I'm muttering sounds that resemble
the Klingon language and twisting my body into awkward positions
that bring up my anger and make me feel like leg-sweeping my
teacher to the floor.
Last week I ate something called kitchery for every meal, a food-
substance that consists of rice, vegetables, curry, coriander and

Every meal.

Well, I snuck some chocolate and a few green tea lattes,
but seriously, a man like me lives on variety.

I think I'm going crazy.

Not because of the uncomfortable positions, not because of the weird
food, not because of the sudden lightening storm flashes of anger or
strange sounds that come from my face when I speak...I think I'm goin'
crazy because I actually like it all.

I've heard it said that if you want something different in your life, ya gotta
do something different. Well, amigo, this is some different sh*t, and it
feels AWESOME. :)

So guess what? I have my first class. :) Yep, I'm a bona fide yoga teacher,
and I'll be teaching every Thursday at the Shiatsu Massage School in San-
ta Monica. My class will be an exploration of the warrior spirit, so come
prepped to sweat and call forth your strength of heart and character. I won't
drop too much weird stuff on ya, just some real-deal holy field, yo.

Tree of Life Yoga w/ Mateo
Thursdays, 4:30-6pm
Shiatsu Massage School
2309 Main St., Santa Monica, CA
$12 Suggested Donation

I'm also putting together a fundraiser for the work I'll be doing when I go to
India. We have a sweet little venue here in Venice, right near the water, and
we'll be throwin' down a little high-society shindig.
I would love to play with some dedicated teammates, so if you wanna be a
part of a solid crew doing good stuff in the world, gimme a shout and let's
dance. We'll be having a meeting this Monday, so please let me know by the
week's end, even if you're tied up on Monday.

Thanks for continuing to ride this crazy train with me. Your divine reflection is
a constant source of inspiration and strength in mi vida loca.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the
source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger,
who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead:
his eyes are closed."
~Albert Einstein

Love you,

Go vote. The system may have some kinks, but the only way it'll ever work is
for us to work it. Watch this video, register, and let your voice be heard.

Is it time to learn to meditate?
Is it time for some bodywork?
These things are essential.
Just sayin. ;)

We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

Last Minute Brilliance (Sep 21, 2008)

So check it...

I was just driving home from the Global Mala event (which was DOPE!!!)
and I caught sight of my cajon in the backseat of mi coche, and I thought,
"man, it would be cool if I had a phat car with room for yoga mats and
blankets and pillows and musical instruments so I could just post up at
a park from time to time and play with my friends."

Then it dawned on me, I have a grip of yoga mats and blankets and pillows
and some musical instruments in my car right now and some time to kick
it near the water tomorrow between appointments. Yeah!!!

Come play if you can shake free tomorrow (Monday) at Colonade Park at
the end of Bay Street in Santa Monica from 2:30-6pm (just inland from the
beach). We'll play Acroyoga, get some beats goin, roll around in the grass,
and maybe eat a little food.
If people are down for it, we can meditate and bust some Qi Gong as well.
It's the first day of Autumn, and I've got some gear in the ride...sounds like
a good excuse to get in our bodies and party. :)
Bring drums and a frisbee and somethin to snack on...if you wanna. Such
contributions are appreciated, but so not required.

And while I have you on the line, I've been meaning to brag on a couple of
people for a while, and I'm tired of waiting. ;)

I've been seeing Dr. Jeremy Brook for chiropractic adjustments for about 9
months now, and that dude is AMAZING. His approach to his craft is rooted
in yoga and a deep understanding of the body. He not only adjusts me master-
fully, he gives me really cool followup homework that REALLY works.
I can't recommend him enough.

I've mentioned my badass yoga teacher, Psalm Isadora, at least once before,
and she's another I can't recommend highly enough. Our teacher training is rockin
my world, and you can come check her out in the next few weeks before she takes
off for India.
All of her classes are full, though our Saturday TT classes are open to drop-ins from
10-noon. If you want a whole new approach or re-invigoration of your yoga practice,
or just wanna get solid in your body with full energetic awareness, this is the chick.
For more information, check out

Okay, that's it. Come play in the park tomorrow.

Love you!

Meditation: I teach it.
Bodywork: I practice it.
If you need either in your life, holla.

We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work (Sep 18, 2008)

Hola Mi Amigo,

I need a hand.

We still need about 6 more volunteers to come out and enjoy
Global Mala this weekend. We'll be setting up a SWEET lounge
space early Saturday morning, then helping people have some
amazing experiences inside the lounge throughout Saturday and

All volunteers will get VIP access to the day's activities when not
actively engaged in makin it happen, and when makin it happen,
all volunteers will get to work with some of the most amazing people
in this city, forging friendships and creating excellence through team

It's two days of badassity. You with me on this?
Feel free to bring friends. It's a party, seva-style, meditative and musical.

Please email my girl, Shantel, and let her know you're game.
She'll getcha lined out with the best way to play.

Thank you!!!

We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

Calling In Community (Sep 11, 2008)


I'm facing a potential predicament, which I choose to see as an opportunity
for growth and expansion.

As I've mentioned before, I'm working on this little Global Mala party, rockin
the selfcentered presence with workshops and classes for a couple of days.
We're offering the Global Mala community the SWEETEST lounge space and
out-of-the-box experiences at the festival, with classes and entertainment all
day long, 9am-10pm, two days straight.

Now, here's the hurdle.

Our decorator just backed out due to overcommitment, and we have an 1800
square foot space to gloss and floss in one week. That's not a week of decorating,
that's one week until we step in the space to decorate it.
We would appreciate a hand, and we like to keep it in the family. :)

This is a huge opportunity for anyone who owns an interior design business,
set dressers who want to move into working outside the film industry, or any-
one who runs a furniture/interiors store to promote their products and services
to thousands of local yogis in a concentrated environment. Last year's Global
Mala event boasted 7,000 people. This year they're projecting 10K.
We can offer space within our tent for promotion, promotional presence on all
our selfcentered Global Mala marketing materials, and the aforementioned
exposure to thousands of potential customers.

This would also be dope for anyone with a wicked eye or sewing skills looking
for a project that will involve them in community. We'll make sure that all our
participating family are treated as VIPs during the festival.

Of course, all this is in the name of bringing the powerful tool of meditation
to the mass populace, that we may live in a world of awakened individuals,
aware of their gifts and prepared to share.

So, do you know anyone who might wanna jump on board? I'm in full on hustle
mode, so I need to know ASAP, to make sure that we can accommodate the
fullest potential of the opportunity.

Feel free to pass on my number to anyone who fits the description.

Thanks much!

323 620 3239

Be sure to check out these three sites.

Good Medicine has now dropped their presale ticket prices dramatically. This
is a badass wellness event, and you'd do well to be there. Check the site for
details, and buy your tickets using the following code: 357
I'll be speaking and leading a SWEET experience, my yoga teacher will be
teaching a class, the treatments are guaranteed to be phenomenal and many
amazing friends will be there being amazing. :)


We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

Straight Up Download (Sep 3, 2008)

Whasshakin, Ace,

I start yoga teacher training in two days. Pray for me.
My big, earthy body has been getting a moderate amount
of movement for the last couple of months, but not a lot...
and now I'm jumping into the fire with one who carries the
transformational flame of I said, pray for me.
I'll need the strength. :)
My teacher is a badass. If you'd like to check her out, peep I think there are two spaces left.
Wanna play?

In other news, my selfcentered crew is throwing a party to
shake things up a bit this Friday night. It's been a minute
since we've consciously indulged, so we're gonna. :)
The party starts at 8 with a group meditation, then it's just
straight dancin and makin music for the rest of the night. There's
a special musical guest at 9, DJs at 10, and an integrated drum
jam at 11. For more information, click here.

I'm still superslammed working on this Global Mala madness.
We have many of the intricate details locked down, but there's
still much to do. If you're interested in attending and would like
to be of service, I'd love to have you on our team for a couple of
days. If you know any decorators, we're specifically looking for
assistance in making the space pretty, and given that there will
be approximately 10,000 people in attendance and we plan on
having one of the most badass spaces in the place, there is
excellent opportunity for promotion. Holla at me. :)

I'm also still working on and looking forward to this Good Medicine
event in Hollywood. I'll be speaking and leading meditation around
2pm on the 14th of this month. We'll be rockin a full-on PDM (Public
Display of Meditation) on the walk of stars, so come out to play and
experience all the goodness that the world of legitimate natural care
has to offer.

With all this busy-ness in mi vida loca, I'm continuously grateful for
the ability to silence my world for a few minutes every day. I used to
think that meditation was something that only ninjas did, then I realized
that meditation awakes those mad ninja-skills in everyone. Focus,
precision, clarity, peace, grace, ease and, hell yeah.
If you don't already have a daily meditation practice, or you're ready to
get some simple goodness, gimme a shout. I'll show you what I know.

I look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you in a couple of days.

Blessings, beautiful one!


We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

Standing on The Shoulders (Aug 25, 2008)

Hey Mighty Giant,
I've been experiencing something interesting lately...well, for the last 28 years, to shoot totally straight.
I want to be the one to do it all. I want to be credited with the awesome big idea. I want to be the one to heal the world. I want to be EL GATO, ya know? I want the accolades, the attention, the status, the riches, the rewards...I want it all. I suppose there's still a child inside seeking some sort of parental approval, and the only way my grown up mind knows to get it is to do the coolest thing, whatever that means.
In that egoic search, I often find myself re-inventing fire, sweating through every step, often falling off before the intention has reached fruition. And, I usually find myself cranking away till the wee hours, worried about all the little details and how I'm gonna make it all pretty in the end.
I'm realizing how futile that is...again. ;)
There are so many who have come before us, and mastered the crafts we toil away at. There are so many teachers appearing around every corner, so many people who want to lend a hand, and often times (if you're anything like me), they show up and we bark, "Back off! I can do it myself! I got this."
Humans...we're funny critters. :)
This Thursday you (and I) have a chance to hear one of the foremost leaders of mind-body medicine speak and answer questions in an intimate venue. Dr. David Simon, co-founder of the Chopra Center and best-selling author of numerous books on health and wellness, will be speaking at Kula, in Santa Monica. Check out event details here.
Space is limited, so please RSVP to if you'd like to join us. Admission is by donation, and all proceeds go to non-profit, charitable organizations.
There is another opportunity to assist your community and engage in bringing visions to life coming in September.
I'm committed to bringing meditation to our generation in a profound and effective way, and we'll be doing just that at Global Mala/yogamonth, Sept. 20th and 21st. We're in need of volunteers to help run the selfcentered tent and facilitate signature experiences with us throughout the day. This is a great opportunity to not only experience this amazing event and play with us throughout the two days, but also connect with the tribe and tap deeper into your highest self. Please contact me here with any interest and/or questions.

Let's keep playing together, and standing on the shoulders of the giants who have come before, and together we'll reach all our dreams.
Love you.

We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

Lately (Aug 24, 2008)

Whassup Champion?

I've been sweatin' writing this email, as this Playful Warrior game has gotten bigger. Now certain things are expected of me, expectations built by me, of course, and I haven't wanted to say the wrong thing, portray the wrong image, mar the brand of Mateo...f'n ridiculous, right?
So many times we edit ourselves to maintain a facade, to properly represent something we think we're aligned with. We build something beautiful, then we start lying to maintain the vision, compromising ever so slightly, all the while chipping away at our internal integrity.
The fact of the matter is that when what we build is a stand for integrity, for authenticity, we have the freedom to say whatever needs to be said. If we forget to mention a friend's party, so be it. That's where we were. If we say something offensive, so be it. That's how we felt. Whatever is stated is a testament to what is going on in a moment, one tiny slice of time, and is therefore timelessly perfect.
All that said, here we are, once again in conversation. I missed you. :)

The sun is bright as summer draws to a close here in Los Angeles. The Pacific has been uncharacteristically warm lately...some say it's the disgusting results of global warming...whatever. Makes for nice night-swims. I'm sure that one day there will be cataclysmic disasters across the planet that will make me cry, but today my lips are salty with ocean water and spread across my face in a smile. I'm still breathing. Give thanks. :)

I continue to learn and grow, a blessing I am in eternal gratitude for. Lately I've been completing more selfcentered teacher trainings, strengthening my leadership abilities and deepening my meditation practice. I'm so thankful for this gift of intentional stillness. Of all the things that I've invited into my life over the years, I have to say that the most profound is this daily commitment to close my eyes and get centered.

I've also started the process of yoga teacher training. I begin class officially in a week and a half, and in two months, I'll be Yoga Alliance accredited to teach sacred movement. Then I'm going to India to teach health-related yoga to women and children.
Oh, yeah! I got a passport. Now I can truly be an international do-gooder! Yay!!!

Bringin it back to the here and now...
I'm currently working on putting together the selfcentered presence at 2 prestigious events.
The first is Good Medicine, on September 14th. Feel free to check it out at This is an amazing event that offers the opportunity to experience a wide variety of healing modalities while kickin it with friends.
The second is yogamonth/Global Mala LA.
We're gonna have a HUGE tent at this beautiful event on the LMU campus, September 20th - 21st. We'll be offering experiences throughout both days to take you to another level of awareness and personal authenticity, involving music, dance, chocolate and, of course, blissful stillness. I've been really enjoying co-creating these experiences with a tight little group of developers. I can't wait to unveil them for you. :)
In the meantime, I'm committed to bringing this gift of meditation to the world on a wide level. We just launched a program to teach meditation for $100. It's really powerful and comprehensive. I'd love your help in this mission. If you have any questions, please get in touch with me. You can hit me here, or on my cell (I love unlimited anytime minutes!) 323 620 3239.
Okay, I think this email is long enough now. ;) I'm gonna go grab some tea by the beach.
I love you. Remember that every breath is a gift, and that as a child of the Most High, you are moving in divine perfection.
I'll be in touch soon. Promise. :)

We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

Power Packed (June 23, 2008)

Hey my friend,
29 has officially begun. Round after round of transformative lessons come.
My body's tired and my head spins, and my only solace is to go within, bless up and thank Him, again.
I find myself in an interesting prediciment, one of self design, of course. :)
A nomad for a few, steppin up from the rubble of my ego's destruction with the loving support of my closest.
Thankfully, I have tools to work with. God bless tools.
Now let's play. :)
Thursday 6/26:
Our forces align with the Lulu crew in Santa Monica!!!
I've been waiting for this one for a minute. Shake up your stuff and head over to the Promenade by 7:30 for a selfcentered Lululemon special, featuring group meditation and yoga made simple and fun. I'll be rockin the freestyle throughout the night, so come out and play. It's time.
Join the evoLUtion!
Lululemon Athletica
331 Santa Monica Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90401
More Info:
Friday 6/27:
Again on the west side!!! :)
This is a more intimate selfcentered gathering, focused on community and comradery.
This is your opportunity to sit with new friends, share music and stories, and still get still.
We start promptly at 6, so show up with a dish and get ready to sit.
The theme of this PLC is relaxation. Dress comfy. Bring a friend.
This is gonna be fun. :)
Pleasure Loves Company potluck
Kathmandu, back room
Lincoln, north of Pico.
Suggested donation: $10
Saturday 6/28:
Are you ready to see the world through a clear lens, allow your internal wisdom to guide you, and remain calm, cool, and connected in any scenario?
Time to head to Topanga for a selfcentered Immersion!
Saturday, from 1:pm to 10, we're divin in deep to clear out the clutter.
You know that meditation is good for's been scientifically proven time and again. Now make it a part of your daily life.
In addition to giving you more tools to apply to a life under construction, the Immersion offers you the opportunity to step away from your day to day in a way that's uniquely you.
AND, you'll be hanging out with some of the sweetest inhabitants of the city of Angels: your friends. :)
Price: $105
***Price for 2: $165***
Call 888.5SC.TOUR to register
After that, I'm off to Wyoming for a week of creative retreat.
See you soon. :)
If you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to hit me here or on my cell. 323 620 3239

We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

Heavy Soul (June 16, 2008)

Hey Beautiful Spirit,
Here we go again! Another week, another set of amazing opportunities to show up strong for ourselves and our family, immediate and global. Are you ready to rock?
I thought so. ;)
I've been undergoing MASSIVE transformation lately (what's new?), and what keeps coming up for me is that I have these gifts of musical expression and playfulness to offer the world. They've been given to me that I might share them with you, so that's exactly what I'd like to do.
This is my birthweek, the celebratory cycle of days that represents 29 personal journeys around the sun.
Isn't that f'n cool? I've swung around the sun, a flaming ball of gas WAY WAY out there, on this little round rock of mine almost 29 times. It's a feat that's taken all my life to accomplish. In celebration, I'd like to offer you a chance to cut loose and play and let me shower you with love on a sandy little spot of our planet. :) YAY!!!
You are such an amazing soul and it would be such an honor to have you bless this occaision with your presence.
Okay, so what are we gonna do?
I'm a bit of a glutton for fire, if you haven't noticed. Some say it's my Gemini nature, others say I'm a pyromaniac...I just love the hot stuff.
Let's meet up at Dockweiler Beach, where there are fire rings and lots of open space. I'll be there between 4 and 5, and start some playful yoga shortly thereafter. We'll also get in a nice meditation to anchor in our intentions for the evening and beyond.
Then we'll hit the water for a bit (it's got a good rating right now ;), toss the frisbee, and goof off in the sun. Let's potluck it and feast in honor of life!
Once Surya hits the water, we'll light up the fire and get our groove on. If you know any FIRESPINNERS, invite them!!!
What to bring:
Beach blankets
Wood to burn
Musical Instruments
Firespinning supplies/friends
An open heart
Desire to engage.
A few points about Dockweiler:
This beach is just south of Marina and Playa, on the ocean side of the road. You can park on the curb and walk down, or pay 3 bucks and park in the parking lot right next to the sand.
Be sure to bring wood, as they charge an arm and a leg to buy it there.
They kick everyone out at 10, so you've plenty of time to sleep and be ready for Friday.
I don't know which ring we'll be at (no reservations), so just call me when you get there and I'll letcha know.
The key to this game, in case you didn't know, is to passionately engage in full awareness. Staying rooted in breath and body and expanding from those spots allows every step, every laugh, every moment to be a meditation. This, dear one, is a chance to practice complete authenticity. It's a lot of fun. :)
Gimme a shout as questions come up.
323 620 3239
Loving You!!!

Fresh Back and Throwin Down! (June 4, 2008)

I just got back from an AMAZING much goodness down there in South Central U.S., yo. Beautiful people. Beautiful city...ahhh...
Okay, I totally don't have time to get into that. :)
It's that time again...selfcentered Conscious Indulgence! This is like the phattest house party you've ever been to, except that it's in a beautiful downtown L.A. loft. Live music, group experiences, games, meditations, dancing, coconuts, raw pizza, and some of the awesomest people you've ever connected with.
Yes, I said awesomest.
1200 S. Hope St.
Suite 300
Downtown L.A.
Okay, I gotta go!

We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

You Are A Unique Emanation of Perfection (May 14, 2008)

Shhh... ;)
My dad talks a lot. I mean, that man just don't quit! He's talking to me RIGHT NOW, seemingly oblivious to the fact that I'm staring at my laptop screen, typing like mad. He's spittin numbers and situations with passion and fervor, spinnin his stories of righteous integrity and late nights in the dancehalls of central Texas. He's a smart man, and he knows it. I'm sure he's imparting wicked good knowledge, and here I sit, channeling my experience to you.
I love that man, and I get to be in his presence for a precious few more days. The only reason I'm typing right now is that I love you, too, and want to make sure you know where you can find me when I'm ready to be found. ;)
I'm in Texas right now, and Austin is BEAUTIFUL. I'm going to check out a dance class this evening based on Gabriel Roth's Five Rhythms, and tomorrow is filled with teatimes and yoga classes. Then Friday...oh, Friday...It's river time. :) The rivers of the Texas hill country are unparalleled for beauty and relaxation mixed with adventure. They call to me in my dreams, and welcome me home every time my feet touch their wet stones. Friday we'll put in at the 281 bridge and float the rapids to just north of Rebecca's Crossing. It's about 89 degrees outside, so that water should feel phenomenal.
It's hard to believe I'm here on business. God, I love this life. :)
Speakin of love, there are a couple of good chances for you to come share in the overflowing abundant lovestream in the next few days.
Tashirat Orphanage Fundraiser 06/01:
My friend Marisa is putting on a fundraiser this coming Sunday at the KING KING in Hollywood. This is not your run-of-the-mill night out in LA... this is a chance to help a great cause. Five years ago, Marisa opened a "green", high quality, family style orphanage in Mexico. This is an amazing project and they need our help NOW to open a school for the kids of the orphanage and also the kids in the surrounding communities- / The deadline for funding the school was cut by three months by the government. This is why Marisa is throwing a last minute fundraiser on June 1st... so rally the troops, put on some fresh threads and bring your humanitarian hearts to the MUSIC for MEXICO FUNDRAISER!
If you have any questions hit Marisa at
Music for Mexico
King King
6553 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Sunday June 1
$25 donation
selfcentered Conscious Indulgence 06/05:
We've got another badass party coming up next Thursday. These parties are fundraisers for our mission, which is empowering 1million more people to start a sustainable, regular meditation practice by January 2009. It takes a lot of resources to wake people up, as so many are so comfortable in their dreamstates of complacency. We could just ask for money, but we figured we'd give you great experiences, and show you the beauties of being alive and awake, in exchange for the greenbacks it takes to grease the skids. Sweet deal, huh?
Just as before, you'll have the opportunity to connect with a room full of beautiful souls, as well as learn some tips to deepen your personal sitting practice, gettin high on your own supply.
In addition, this time we've got Cipes and the People backing us up with their phat blend of conscious reggae and jump-up fun (Thanks Cipes! :) and refreshing Nanogreens infused fresh coconuts, paired with delicious healthy food prepared especially for you. It starts at 7 and rolls strong till the lights come on.
And yes, we will do a chocolate meditation. :)
Conscious Indulgence
Thursday June 5
Full Moon Candlelight Yoga 06/18:
Also, yo, my birthday is coming up. June 19th is the big day, and we'll definitely be doing something to commemorate this body's 29 revolutions around the sun. We're gonna start the party on the 18th, though, with full-moon yoga on the beach. I'm solidifying all the details this week and will certainly have all the info to you very soon. In the meantime, mark your calendar for the evening of Wednesday, June 18th.
There's always so much more to tell you, and I'm just gonna stop now. I've got my dance class to get to, and I still need to get a rental car. Have a beautiful evening/rest of the week, and know that you're loved by a man in central Texas.
See you soon!!!

We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

Sun Is Shining... (May 14, 2008)

Good Morning Awakened Child!
Thank God for people like you. The world is thirsty for those of us willing to consciously take on our lives, decreasing our reactivity ever so slightly as we actively engage in directing our days, be it through physical exertion, self-empowerment, education, spiritual surrender, or devotion to endeavor in service. The awareness that we bring to these pursuits is the real jewel within the lotus. When we choose to walk each day awake and aware, we give others permission and encouragement to do the same, and the more awake we are, the more fun this ride gets, yo. :) Thank you for showing up.
So check it.
I've only got a few more seconds before I gotta roll out to hit this day with the thunder, and I HAVE to letcha know a couple of things.
First off, I love you. :) You're a special soul.
Second, I'd love to have you come join me for a couple of things in the next couple of days.
selfcentered PLC 05/15 :
We'll be at the Beverly Hills Lululemon store tomorrow (Thursday) for a special PLC, starting at 7pm. The ladies over there are really diggin the vibe we've got, so let's roll en masse and play full out. Meditation and movement are sure things, as are connection and conversation. Everything else is icing on the cake. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 323 620 3239. I look forward to seeing you there. :)
Pleasure Loves Company
Lululemon : Beverly Hills
Thursday, May 15, 7:pm
$15 Suggested Donation
Back to the Mother 05/16 :
Garden Party intellectual salon this Friday at 7:pm. This is a beautiful chance to revel in comraderie with some other amazing people at the Learning Garden, at the corner of Venice and Walgrove in Venice. Camille and I welcome you into our QiGong practice space to share your poetry, music, food and spirit while celebrating life, wellness and the abundance of spring. Bring some delicious food to share (focus on fresh harvest veggies, but anything vegetarian goes!), instruments, journals, WOOD FOR THE FIRE, candles, and of course an open heart. :)
As the Learning Garden is affiliated with Venice High, this will need to be a clean event. That means no controlled substances on the property, so if you gotta blaze, keep it in the car. ;) I suggest comin in with a fresh cerebelum, though...clear vision and effective communication are also themes for the evenin.
Alive! All LOVE!
Austin News :
I'll be in Austin from the 26th-June 3rd. May 30th-June1st I'll be at the World Wellness Weekend, and the week beforehand I'm lookin to link up with people in the Central Texas wellness and consciousness community. The plan is also to see some clients for a day or two, and I'm in need of a place to practice. I've put the word out to rent or borrow a space in a few places, and would like to keep it in the family, so to speak. So if you know of anyone with an acupuncture, massage or yoga studio in central Austin, please connect me with them. If you have family in the area that could use some transformational bodywork, make the connect. And if you know of anyone in the area who I should link with for tea and talkin', HOOK IT UP! :)
Remember to drink plenty of water as these days heat up. When you're thirsty, you're already WAY TOO dehydrated, and we need water for brain function. Hydrate to stay great.

We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

So Much Greatness In the World (May 9, 2008)

Hey Beautiful One,
I just picked up my guitar for the first time in 3 weeks. I can't believe it's been that long since I've loved on that girl...and yet, there she was, sittin dusty on the stand when I got the urge to play. Seriously, I had to wipe a funky layer of dust off the top of the body before tuning up and throwin down a phat jam...and ohhhhh, it felt good. Why do I do that? Why do I allow myself to go so long without rippin free and wailin? Oh, well. I could rap on that for days, but the point is, I did it! I unleashed the beast just to watch him run.
Yeah. :)
What are you waiting to do? How are you gonna make love today?
There are a lot of opportunities coming up that I'd love for you to join me in, and they starts TOMORROW!
I'll be rollin with my selfcentered crew up to Encino tomorrow for a full day of Earthday celebration. I know it's about a week past Earthday, but hey, shouldn't we celebrate our home every day? We'll be leading meditations and experiences all day near the Healthy Hut, with two big PDMs at noon and 3:30. We'll also be unveiling a couple of new signature experiences to take you deep in playful ways. Tickets to Worldfest are $7 and parking is $3. Once inside, there's plenty of delicious vegan fare, and a grip of games, activities, speakers and musical performances. This is a great way to spend your Saturday, and then your evening is free for...
WithInfinite 05/10
Yeah! This is an evening of music and raised vibration featuring the amazing Luminaries, Pauline Drossart, sound healing from Bolonatha, and a phat dance set with DJ Brad and guests from the Moontribe. Nadia from Rising Light Cuisine is partnering with chef Be~Live to offer some yummy raw foods and elixirs to get you lifted on nutrition. All this takes place at the Blankenship Studio in Venice, from 8pm-1am. Cover is $10 at the door.
132 Brooks Ave.
(Abbot Kinney and Main)
Venice 90291
Back to the Mother 05/16
Mark your calendar for next friday, yo. Think food, music, poetry, massage and acupuncture in a beautiful garden setting. My dear sister, Camille and I are cohosting a potluck gathering at the Learning Garden on Venice and Walgrove. All the flowers are in bloom, the veggies are poppin out the ground, and mama is calling us to come celebrate her abundance. Bring your instruments, poetry journals, a lovely dish to share and an open heart. There will be ample interaction between beautiful souls, and a general air of playful honor. Get ready. :)
Coming soon:
Venice Beach Bike Ride
It's time to sweat in good company with the Pacific breeze on your face. Keep eyes open. :)
Full Moon Candlelight Yoga
Beach, night air, dear souls, breath, movement, soft light flickering in your eyes...ahhhhhh...very soon.
Other News:
I'll be in Austin from the 26th of this month through June 2nd. If you have any tribe in that area, please let me know. I really wanna hook up with some family in the Austin wellness/conscious community while I'm in town. I'll be practicing bodywork for a couple of days in a local studio, and taking meetings. Then I'll be attending a conference on Ayurveda with my dear brother, Max, and putting together an intimate selfcentered gathering. I'm interested in hooking up with acupuncturists, yogis, meditators, bodyworkers, philosophers, teachers, rainbow family...high vibe good peeps.
In your light I learn how to love.
In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest,
where no one sees you,
but sometimes I do,
and that sight becomes this art.
Thank you for being the light that inspires my poetry, the reflection of God that calls forth my truth.
Love you. :)

We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

You Might Wanna Read This RIGHT NOW (Apr 30, 2008)

Hey Greatness,
I know I just sent you a phat-daddy email, and you know I hate blowin up an inbox...I just gotta letcha know about these two events coming up in the next few days. :)
The first is an intellectual salon that I co-host fairly regularly called PLC (Pleasure Loves Company). We meditate, sip tea, play games and have great conversation with f'n amazing people. This Thursday (tomorrow) the theme is "irresistably attractive." We'll dive deep into the conversation of authenticity and explore the magic of true attraction. If you've been looking for stimulating connection of the high-minded variety, this is your spot, yo.
Dr. T's
8612 Melrose 90069
We'll drink tea till they kick us out!
#2 is a phenomenal workshop this weekend at the Evidence Gallery. This is a full on exploration of your authenticity. As I mentioned a few days ago selfcentered is hosting the first ever LA Out of Your Mind Immersion at the Evidence Gallery. This is your opportunity to deepen your meditation practice, tap into an amazing community of beautiful souls, and have a great time doing it. We'll be steeping in all the selfcentered techniques and tools, practicing body opening flows daily (yoga, dance, madness in motion...), and learning how to shift perspective to get un-stuck in any situation.
If you've ever felt a little uncomfortable in your own skin, sought more streamlined success, or gotten sticky in relationships, you'll benefit greatly from attending this fun interactive workshop.
AND (this is supa-dope!), because you're mi amigo, you can get in for $125 instead of $195. Just mention my name when you sign up. Plus, if you have someone you wanna share the experience with, you get a buddy pass for $75. Give me a shout and let's talk about it. 323 620 3239
Out of Your Mind Immersion
May 3-4, Noon-6pm
Evidence Gallery
7122 Beverly Blvd.
LA CA 90036
Our next party is May 16th. Mark your calendar, and keep your eyes on your inbox for more information.
We'll also have the long-awaited Full Moon Candlelit Yoga coming in just a few weeks. Keep your eyes up for that one as well.
Wear organic sunscreen. Surya is mighty fierce these days (ask my hot-pink shoulders), and remember that the only true power you'll ever have comes solely from taking personal responsibility for everything in your life.
Love you!

We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

Your Guide to This Weekend (Apr 25, 2008)

Hello Magnificent One!!!
Take a deep breath.
Seriously, take a big ol phat-daddy inhale all the way down to your toes and up to your shoulders and hold it...hold it...hoooold iiiiittt...
Now let that bad boy go, slooowly.
Nice, huh? :)
It's another beautiful California weekend, and as usual, there's a plethora of opportunities to get out and getcha groove on. :)
Of course, there's Coachella out in the desert, but if you've opted to refrain from the formula concert multi-stage madness, here's your real-deal hookup.
Saturday 4/26:
There are two amazing happenings on Saturday that you NEED to know about. One is in LA, and the other is in San Diego.
Close to Home
Up here in LA, my dear, talented, sultry sister, Pauline Drossart is throwing a party at Kula in Santa Monica.
She just released a new EP, Beautiful Story, and will be playing songs from that album, as well as a handful of never-before-heard new ones.
She has an amazing voice, and sings and raps in English and French, with a funky soulful backing band.
This party also features Indian Lounge music, a grip of delicious Raw Chocolate from the Bliss Bar, elixirs from the Shaman Shack, and a room full of beautiful people you want to meet. If I weren't going to be in San Diego, this is exactly how I would spend my Saturday night.
LoveTribe Showcase
Kula (above eleven Studios)
1231 Lincoln Blvd (between Wilshire and Arizona)
Santa Monica 90401
Saturday, 4/26: 7pm
Tickets: $10
Worth the Drive
Down in San Diego, we're throwing another Conscious Indulgence party on Saturday (tomorrow) with the selfcentered crew. I love these guys more and more every time I see them (almost daily), and these parties just keep getting jucier. The last one we held in Santa Monica was amazing. Honestly, I showed up not wanting to be there. I was exhausted, I had an infection in one knee that hurt from my hip to my ankle, I was recovering from a bike accident, and I hardly knew any of the attendees. By the end of the opening meditation, I was alright with the strangers in the room. After the short round of connection exercizes I was cool to move and talk, and by the time the first act went on, I was having an all-out blast. There was no alcohol whatsoever (but plenty of chocolate :) and I felt ecstatic-drunk off the energy in the room. I was so moved by the whole experience that I rocked a selfcentered teacher training the following weekend. That was a helluvan experience...a whole other story for another time. I gotta say, as foreign and somewhat odd as it sounds, these meditation parties are DOPE. :)
Kava Lounge
2812 Kettner Blvd
San Diego, CA 92101
Saturday 4/26: 7pm
Tickets: $25 advance, $30 door
Sunday 4/27:
As previously stated, Leas Maria's QiGong class in Santa Monica is held every Sunday, 7pm at the Tao Healing Arts Center (2309 Main Street, 90405). This is a great way to dive into a self-care practice. Leas teaches specific techniques that ward off illness and boost the body's natural defense systems. For more information, contact her directly:
Cost: $15/class or $50/month
The Farmer's Market also goes OFF on Sunday mornings in Santa Monica on Main St. That's a great place to meet people, see those you know, hear some live music, ride a pony (if you're wee), and eat some amazing food. It's at the intersection of Main and Ocean Park, on the big grassy knoll in front of the Victorian restaurant.
Future Planning:
May 3rd & 4th:
Come join us (selfcentered) next weekend for a full on exploration of your authenticity. We're holding the first ever LA Out of Your Mind Immersion at the Evidence Gallery. This is your opportunity to deepen your meditation practice, tap into an amazing community of beautiful souls, and have a great time doing it. We'll be steeping in all the selfcentered techniques and tools, practicing body opening flows daily (yoga, dance, madness in motion...), and learning how to shift perspective to get un-stuck in any situation. The investment is $195. The returns are infinite. Give me a shout and let's talk about it. 323 620 3239
Speaking of authenticity and getting un-stuck, it's about time for more bodywork. Come see me in the Venice ZenDen for a treatment designed to detox, assist you in clearing stagnate patterns, and unlock your body's true potential. When you're ready to take on the next level of your life and live more powerfully, give me a shout. I'll give you a hand. 323 620 3239 :)
Thank you for being who you are in the world, and for being in my life. You're a true inspiration to everyone around you, and your light shines brighter than you know. Thank you for continuing to read these emails and heed the call to greatness. Now put a smile on someone's face, starting with your own. :)
Love you!
We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

Saturday Will See Us Hiking (Apr 8, 2008)


Wildflower season IS HERE!!!
Are you ready to hit this trail? Are you prepared to meet yourself in the sunshine and show the world whatcha made of? You ready to rock this?

Yes. Yes you are. :)

Mishe Mokwa 04/12
So here's the gig.
We're meeting at the trail head at 11:30. Strap on your shoes and have your pack prepared with some snacks, juicy items for a light lunch, plenty of water, sunscreen, some chlorophyll, and a yoga mat.
We'll tune in and stretch at the trailhead, hike in, practice some light yoga and qigong, hold a trail-summit meditation, and then head on back.

This hike is open to willing participants of all ages and experience levels.
If you're new to qigong/yoga, here's your intro! If you're a hiking neophyte, this is for you! If you suck at socializing, so what? Come play anyway!!!

Saturday should be a sunny day, so if you're sensitive, wear a hat and long, loose clothing. All in all we'll probably be there for about 5 hours. :)

The trailhead is 1 mile east of the Circle X Ranch, which is located 5 ½ miles from Pacific Coast Highway on Yerba Buena Road in Malibu. Alternately, from Westlake Village, exit on Westlake Blvd from the 101 Freeway, and follow it south for several miles as it merges with Mulholland highway. Turn right onto Little Sycamore Canyon and it will become Yerba Buena Road as you cross the county line. Proceed on Yerba Buena Road for about 4 miles to trailhead (about a mile before you hit the Circle X Ranch Ranger Station).

Other Stuff:
  • Leas Maria's QiGong class in Santa Monica is held every Sunday at the Tao Healing Arts Center (2309 Main Street, 90405). I had previously stated that it is held on Saturdays. That was erroneous information. I apologize, and commit to only sending you solid info from now on. :)
This is a great way to dive into a self-care practice. Leas teaches specific techniques that ward off illness and boost the body's natural defense systems. Time to activate your superpowers! For more information, contact her directly:
  • Speaking of activating superpowers, it's time for you to get some bodywork. Come see me in the Venice ZenDen for a treatment designed to detox, assist you in clearing stagnate patterns, and unlock your body's true potential. When you're ready to take on the next level of your life and live more powerfully, give me a shout. I'll give you a hand. 323 620 3239 :)
  • The sun is shining, the weather is sweet. Go get yourself some greens to eat, and find new ways to move your feet. Grub a salad, and bust a sidestep to a new dancegroove just walkin down the street. People will look at you funny, but they're just wishing they had the guts to live as lively as you. Breathe deep and know that you're share.
Love you! See you Saturday!!!

We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.