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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Help Me Help People (Nov 4, 2008)

Hey Family

I'm participating in an Asana Mala on November 8th, and I'm asking for
your help.
This is basically a yoga-thon to raise money to open a school and thera-
peutic clinic to serve the local community with free services. Though India
is the home of yoga, a lot of women, children and working class people
don't get to learn and practice this ancient healing art, because of their
socio-economic conditions. There is a great deal of physical suffering there
for the manual laborers that therapeutic yoga can help heal. Yoga itself is
an empowering tool that elevates the individual no matter what poverty or
hardships they live with.

I feel that yoga has offered so much to my life, giving me a way to take
care of my body while stilling my spirit, and I'd like to give back to the
culture that made it possible for me to practice.

My teacher, Psalm is going to start the school in a couple of weeks, (and
I'll be joining her to work with the community in January), and I really be-
lieve in the work that she's doing. It's for this reason that I'm participating in
this yoga-thon, and I would love it if you would sponsor me.

My goal is to personally raise $1000 to donate to the Tree of Life, a 501c3
non-profit. If you could contribute at least 50 bucks, it would be a huge help,
though of course, every little bit helps. Even $20 moves me closer to my goal.
You can make your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation here, by going to, or show up with a check on the day of the Mala.

We'll be doing 108 sun salutations, starting at 10am on Saturday the 8th.
If you'd like to come out and enjoy the sunshine with us, we'll be at the park
where Bay St. meets the beach, just east of the bike path. We'll have music
and movement. Bring a blanket and some food and you've got a helluva way
to start a Saturday. :)

THEN, that night, we'll be rockin a fundraiser party in Beverly Hills. We have
a beautiful location, and we're setting it up as an Indian lounge, complete
with delicious food, DJs, live music, dancing, live auction, and beautiful bright
people. There's no cover, though we do ask that you bring your checkbook
and/or credit card.

Thank you so much for believing in me, and helping me help others.


We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

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