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Saturday, December 13, 2008

losing my mind (Oct. 8, 2008)

...and shattering my ego...

Pawanmuktasana, shashankasana, trataka, mooladhara...
Swatisthana, bhastrika, brahmacharya, moolabandhasana...

Yep, I think I'm going crazy. I'm muttering sounds that resemble
the Klingon language and twisting my body into awkward positions
that bring up my anger and make me feel like leg-sweeping my
teacher to the floor.
Last week I ate something called kitchery for every meal, a food-
substance that consists of rice, vegetables, curry, coriander and

Every meal.

Well, I snuck some chocolate and a few green tea lattes,
but seriously, a man like me lives on variety.

I think I'm going crazy.

Not because of the uncomfortable positions, not because of the weird
food, not because of the sudden lightening storm flashes of anger or
strange sounds that come from my face when I speak...I think I'm goin'
crazy because I actually like it all.

I've heard it said that if you want something different in your life, ya gotta
do something different. Well, amigo, this is some different sh*t, and it
feels AWESOME. :)

So guess what? I have my first class. :) Yep, I'm a bona fide yoga teacher,
and I'll be teaching every Thursday at the Shiatsu Massage School in San-
ta Monica. My class will be an exploration of the warrior spirit, so come
prepped to sweat and call forth your strength of heart and character. I won't
drop too much weird stuff on ya, just some real-deal holy field, yo.

Tree of Life Yoga w/ Mateo
Thursdays, 4:30-6pm
Shiatsu Massage School
2309 Main St., Santa Monica, CA
$12 Suggested Donation

I'm also putting together a fundraiser for the work I'll be doing when I go to
India. We have a sweet little venue here in Venice, right near the water, and
we'll be throwin' down a little high-society shindig.
I would love to play with some dedicated teammates, so if you wanna be a
part of a solid crew doing good stuff in the world, gimme a shout and let's
dance. We'll be having a meeting this Monday, so please let me know by the
week's end, even if you're tied up on Monday.

Thanks for continuing to ride this crazy train with me. Your divine reflection is
a constant source of inspiration and strength in mi vida loca.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the
source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger,
who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead:
his eyes are closed."
~Albert Einstein

Love you,

Go vote. The system may have some kinks, but the only way it'll ever work is
for us to work it. Watch this video, register, and let your voice be heard.

Is it time to learn to meditate?
Is it time for some bodywork?
These things are essential.
Just sayin. ;)

We are the ones we've been waiting for. Stand up.

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