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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Austin, Texas (07/14/09)

Hey There, Mi Amigo,

I haven't written in a while. My apologies. :) I've been sortin' out this
new life of mine in the beautiful city of Austin. It's hotter'n hell this
summer, record breaking temperatures and all, but the trees are big and
green, and EVERYWHERE, Barton Springs is cold and lovely, and the
women wear very little. My kind of town. :)

Still, with all this beauty, and the blessed support of my family, I've
found myself going through A LOT of ups and downs. It's lonely when
you're the new kid in town, and all this solitude serves to bring me face
to face with my fiercest critic...daily. I've had the opportunity to tear apart
my head on several occasions, and witness this sharp, sabre-toothed
longing to find fulfillment and freedom rip at me from the inside. It's been
at my back during the day, and kept me up nights writhing in discomfort.

I've looked everywhere for distraction from the madness, phoning old friends,
reading books, staying on facebook for far too long...even diving daily into
the maelstrom with mind-wrenching meditations, and I've learned a thing or

1. Getting into my body is a beautiful thing. I've been rejuvenating
my yoga practice with a saint of a ball-breaking teacher at a
local studio. He's taken me under his wing to groom me for a
potential teaching position. Thank you, Chrispy.
When I'm moving my pulse with purpose, I think less of my short-
comings, and the beast takes a break.
Swimming has been a God-send as well. The feeling of the water
flowing over my skin as I fly through fluidity is pure bliss.
2. Sometimes you gotta break stuff to make stuff. Being ugly is
as big a part of the process as the pretty pieces, if not bigger. In
order to grow and bring dreams to fruition, one must go through
the physical and mental discomfort of self-doubt and the valley of
the shadow of tomorrow's promises. It ain't pretty...that's why so
many people give up and squander their days in the comfy swamp
of mediocrity.
3. Life goes on. We live in the realm of terra firma, once an idea in
the mind of the Divine, and that's the game at play. Turn the un-
manifest into the manifest. Self-discovery is what happens when
you actualize your potential by putting everything you got into
realizing a vision. In other words, devotion to making dreams con-
crete is the greatest guru one can have. Keep on L I V I N.

I'm working on a pretty big project that I'm not ready to unveil just yet, but
know that I really look forward to telling you all about it. Just gotta let the
sauce simmer for a bit before I take the lid off. ;)

So that's it: nothing to sell, no events to promote, just the musings of a mad-
man standing tip-toed at the edge, screaming into the abyss with fistfuls of
moist soil.

Give me a shout when you have the time. I look forward to hearing from you.

Much Love

Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

The Most Fun You've Had All Month (05/22/09)

Hey My Friend,

As you know, tomorrow is the day of EnlightenUpment. My brother, Adam
and I have spent countless hours crafting this event to make sure that you
have fun, reduce your stress levels, and learn to handle whatever life throws
at you with super-human degrees of grace and ease. Plus, we guarantee
that you'll learn how to tap into your genius-mind at will in any situation.

Studies have show that if you don't learn these skills, you'll die sooner, and
you won't enjoy the life you've got nearly as much. I'd say that makes this
playshop pretty important. :)

If you ever have bad days, don't make as much money as you'd like, get stuck
in repetitive patterns and relationships, or fantasize about punching penguins,
this event is for you.

Go buy your tickets now, and save yourself eleven bucks.

I look forward to seeing you in the classroom tomorrow, and witnessing your
brilliance at play.


Love you

Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Play to Win Within (05/20/09)

Hello Amigo,

Ya know...
The more I work into this EnlightenUpment project, the more I am able
to see the games of life and the ways to play them. It's so simple...just
as with any board game or outdoor team sport, life is a series of circum-
stances that we get to navigate, with varying degrees of grace and ease.
None of it is to be taken too seriously, but we should most definitely in-
vest enough energy to keep the stakes worth playing...while keeping in
mind that it IS still a game.

And as with any game, there are things we learn along the way that can
help us play more powerfully, and have more fun with the experience. It's
no fun to play high-stakes poker with a table full of sharks when you don't
know a straight from a flush and your mortgage is on the line.

So what do we do? We learn a thing or two. We step back long enough
to see the wisest ways to play, and we ask more experienced players
for tips along the way. We stand on the shoulders of giants and slam the
rock through the hoop.
And all the while, we keep playing.

This weekend, we have 2 awesome opportunities to do just that.

The first falls on Friday, when my dear brother, Max, hosts an amazing
marketing seminar in Santa Monica. Over the last year, I've watched this
guy go from earning $4G a month to $50G every 30 days. It's stupid crazy
the way this kid moves through the business game. He's focused his att-
ention there, and he's got some stuff to share. I'll be there. Hopefully you
will, too.
I'd love to see you earning what you're worth.

Max's Marketing Mind Intensive
A One-Day Event Where You Will Learn Cutting Edge
Marketing Strategies That Are Guaranteed To Help You Make
More Money, Reach More People, and Do More Good.

When: Friday, May 22 from 9 am - 5 pm
Where: A secret spot in Santa Monica, CA

This event is limited to 25 people and he's had a very
positive response so grab a spot now if you want to learn
how to make more money, reach more people, and do
more good in your business.


The second is, of course, EnlightenUpment on Saturday. This 4 hour Play-
ful Intensive based in Improv, Movement, Music and Connection is your
chance to learn the inner-game approach to living on the stage of life. We've
blended the teachings of the sages with the principles of Improv to bring you
a half day of play and exploration of the self, experientially extracting you
from your analytical headspace and dropping you directly into the moment,
into your body, and into your highest state of genius. It's kinda like yoga and
transformation work and playtime and free expression and acting, only awe-

Saturday May 23rd
2309 Main St.
Santa Monica

This one's limited to 20 people, and spots are goin' fast.
Admission is $33 pre-sale and $44 at the door.

And between now and then, the sun's out and the weather's nice. Get out-
side, move your body, drink water and love yourself up proper. :)


Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Feels S'good (05/15/09)

Hey you,

You ready to play? Are you ready to let go of the ledge and fly into
the mystery, untethered and free with the wind in your face and the
sweet metallic mix of adrenaline and bliss under your tongue, heart
cracking against your ribcage?

You were born for this brilliance, and all it take to live it is commit-
ment and practice. The rewards are potentially infinite, the cost is
nothing short of everything...not much, really. ;)

Are you ready to play?
Well c'mon then. :)

AcroYoga FUNdamentals
Come learn to support and be supported in this 3 hour Acro-
Intensive. Yoga, Acrobatics, Partnered work and Thai Massage...
uh, yeah.

Saturday May 16 (tomorrow)
235 Hill St.
Santa Monica

Click the link above to RSVP and save $10.

Learn to flow in the moment, and come back to yourself grace-
fully when life hands you surprises. We'll use a series of fun and
engaging games, dance, and various interpersonal interactions.
You get a great time.
YES. :)

Saturday May 16 (yes, tomorrow :)
2309 Main St.
Santa Monica

Click on the link to RSVP. This is an offering from me to you.

Now I'm gonna go engage some body-intelligence. A little Fela
Kuti and an open floor sounds about right.

Lovin You

ps. if you have any questions about tomorrow's happenings, feel
free to hit my cell. 323 620 3239

Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Here We Go, IMPROV and ACRO (05/10/09)

Powerful One,

I invite you to come join me this Saturday for two very special events.
Both of these classes are a helluva lotta fun, and will expand your
understanding of who you think you are and what you think you're cap-
able of.
I think I just ended a sentence with a preposition. Hm.

Improve your Life
Have you ever dropped into flow and ridden the wave of your day, deftly
navigating every little twist and turn, and gotten that rush, feeling every-
thing lining up in your favor, and that all is right in the world?
Imagine LIVING that way ALL THE TIME.
Invest one hour of your life on Saturday evening to developing the skills
necessary to living a full, rich, enjoyable existence, by learning to say
YES, and build a life you love, one agreement at a time.
Basically, come have fun and get better at everything.

*FREE Intro*

Saturday, May 16th
Shiatsu Massage School
2309 Main St
Santa Monica, CA 90405

AcroYoga Fundamentals
with Yogi Hendlin
"Come fly with me, come fly, let's fly away..."
I just spent 4 hours down on the beach in Santa Monica, with the minimal
Acro knowledge that I hold, twisting, turning, flipping, base-ing and laughing
my face off with a crew of beautiful people. I'm BUZZING right now.
You can buzz too. :)
Learn how to support your partners, and surrender into the support that they
offer, through an awesome mix of Yoga, Acrobatics, Flying Sequences and
Thai Massage at the Church in Ocean Park.
My homie, Yogi is teaching this intensive from 10am-1pm on Saturday, and
I would love to fly you and experience your power. Come play with me. :)

Acro Intensive
Saturday, May 16, 2009
235 Hill St
Santa Monica, CA 90405
$30 before 05/16/2009
$40 after 05/16/2009
Buy Tickets Online!!!

And there you have it, my friend. This Saturday. Block it out, because
there's plenty to do, as you can see. :)

Till then, get some sun, drink some water, and laugh as often as poss-
Oh, and tell 4 people you love them.

I love you.

...drumroll please... (05/08/09)

Aloha Sunshine!

A few days ago, I promised to share some exciting news with you.

There have been a lot of shifts in my life of late, and you know what
I've learned? When I continue to let go of everything I think I know,
surrendering into the flow of my life and...dare I say...the will of God,
everything works.
It's when I start trying to hold on to some glint of goodness, some
story of what's supposed to happen; force my hand and stay locked
in a concept...that's when things start to get sticky.
Now, this is nothing elders have been sharing this with me
for years, but as Rumi once said, "Nothing is true until you experience
Feel a loving desire, move in that direction, let go of what "should" or
"shouldn't" seems to be working.
So on that note...

I'm moving to Austin, Texas.


I've booked my ticket, one way, flying out on May 27th, 2009.
I've been feeling this move coming for quite some time, and while I've
stepped in this direction, my steps have been trepidacious. It was only
when all of my Los Angeles securities began to crumble away that I
saw with absolute certainty that the time to go is NOW.
My steps must be bold, so here we go. :)

This means 3 things to us right now:

1. If you know anyone in the Austin area whom you respect and hold
in high regard, I would appreciate the introduction. I don't know anyone
but immediate family out there, and I'm kind of a communal creature. :)

2. I've got a lot of L.A. living to pack into these last (less than) 3 weeks,
and I'd like to do that with you. I'll keep you abreast of my activities so
we can grab classes and culture together. Keep your peepers peeled.
Already on the roster...Acroyoga, Ojai sweatlodge, Transformational
Improv Classes, Tantra Classes...ya know, livin.

3. If you've had any desire whatsoever to book me for some bodywork,
DO IT NOW. I would love to work with you as much as you'd love to get
some work done, so let's set it up. We only have about 2 and a half
weeks, then I'm taking these hands to the people of Central Texas. :)

I'll send you more information in the next couple of days. In the meantime,
pull out your calendar, pull out your phone, and let's get some facetime in.

I look forward to seeing you soon.


323 620 3239

ps. As we shift into summer and excitement inevitably builds, don't forget
to Sit Down, Shut Up, and Breathe.
It's good for you. :)

Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

This Weekend in Venice (05/01/09)

Hey Beautiful Friend

Quick note about this weekend...

Tonight (Friday) is First Fridays on Abbott Kinney. What does that mean
to you? You can come down to Abbott Kinney and peruse the shops, drink
wine, listen to music and enjoy the company of new friends and familiars
from 6pm till 11.
What makes this extra special is that Urban Remedy Community Acupunc-
is opening their doors to offer treatments, fresh chai, hot chocolate,
wine, popcorn, music and ME at the massage chair. :)
Come out, get a little bodywork by donation, relax and enjoy the offerings.

Then Sunday, same place, we're gonna get communal again with the Sun-
set Yoga Potluck
, featuring Psalm Isadora. Show up at 6, get your asana
on, then sit on the rooftop as the sun sets on the water and dine with a crew
of freshly opened yogis.

The address is 1509 B Abbott Kinney Blvd, right in the heart of Venice, CA.

And don't forget, you can still come in to receive bodywork by donation until
May 8th. If you haven't made your appointment yet, pick up your phone and
holla. It's time you take care of yourself, and it doesn't get much easier than

I have more exciting news to share, but I'll save it for a few days.

Love you!
See you soon!

323 620 3239

Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Donation Bodywork is BACK!!! (04/21/09)

Greetings, Amigo,

I sit in a sunny patch of carpet in my new apartment in Santa Monica (!!!).
The weather has finally blessed us with warmth and clarity, signs that sum-
mer's comin' on. The wind has switched up on us, bringing fresh fragrances
to our awaiting faces.
This is a good life.
I'm glad you're here to share it.

Speaking of new and exciting...
I've moved into a new clinic space, practicing yoga and bodywork at Urban
Remedy Community Acupuncture ( in Venice. This
beautiful studio was created to offer anyone interested and available the
opportunity to experience outstanding health care at a price that everyone
can afford.
Simply put, you can show up and receive treatments from highly qualified
acupuncturists, and pay what you can within the sliding scale.

As my offering to and through this gracious space, I'll be practicing body-
work by donation for two weeks
, starting this Friday, April 24th. All you
have to do is call me to make an appointment, and show up. :)

Donation Bodywork
April 24-May 8, 2009
Urban Remedy
1509B Abbot Kinney Blvd.
Venice, CA 90291

by appointment only
323 620 3239

On a seperate note...Indian Images!!!
I've been wrestling with this beast since I got back to town. Who knew
how much work can go into creating a simple online photo album? At
long last, I present to you...Some Pictures From India. :)
This is a collection of some of my favorite shots out of the close to a
thousand that I gathered.
I hope you enjoy the visual stories as much as I enjoyed living them.

Get outside and enjoy the sun while we've got it. And if the clouds roll in,
enjoy that as well.

Much Love

Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Storytime With Pictures (03/31/09)

Hey Family,

I have a new class!!!
When I was in Goa, I started working with students who came to the Shakti Bhakti house
on building the body to hold the shakti. We would practice drills to strengthen and stabil-
ize the corporal vessel so that when the juice starts flowin' through, the body's built to
weather the storm.
Now I wanna share that with you!!!
I'll be doing a 6 week Yoga Boot Camp series starting this Saturday at the end of Bay St.
in Santa Monica.
Class is in the morning, 8:30-10am, every Saturday starting April 4th.
If you're into having fun, strengthening your body, killin' hangovers and meeting awesome
new people, THIS IS YOUR CLASS. If you like being depressed, weak and sickly, then you
definitely don't wanna come. Choice is yours. ;)


By Donation
Saturdays 8:30-10am
Colonade Park,
Bay St. and Ocean Walk
(south of Pico)
Santa Monica, CA

And now, STORY TIME...

Once upon a time a young man named Mateo traveled to a far-off land in search of new
knowledge, a lover like no other, adventure, and most of all, himself.
He found a house full of foreigners, and dusty roads that bore no name. He found cheap
whiskey in rupee-driven marketplaces and temples adorned with naked devis. He found
heartache and hope and soap on a rope in showers that only sold cold water.
And after a handful of trials and tribulations, broke and broken, he found himself. Stripped
of all concepts of right or wrong or the promises of lovesongs, he saw himself clearly, and
he cried. Lord, how he cried.
These tears washed away his illusions and left him illumined, and carried him home, to
rejoin the strange angels of Southern California, USA.
Ahhh, sweet surrenderous salvation. Here we go.

Come out on April 5th to hear the tales and see the images of an Indian journey of service
and sadhana. Sit in sangha with a crew of yogis and storytellers and relive the mystery
of several months abroad.
We'll practice asana first, then roll out the food (potluck, of course) and start the slideshow.
We'll be graced with live music from Pauline and Akadahmah, Yours Truly, and other special
Come play with the tribe.


April 5th, 6:30 class, 8:pm party
Yoga Glo (
1800 Berkeley St
Santa Monica 90404
Bring a dish, as well!

That's it for now. More to come, so keep your peepers peeled.

Oh! Remember, if you don't dig this, don't do it. If you don't want me to tell you what's goin' on
in the marvelous world of Mateo, lemme know, and I'll end your playful email stream.

Happy Sacred Fool's Day!

Lovin' you!!!

Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Yoga Love (03/24/09)

Hey My Friend,

I have SO MUCH I want to's been a long minute, after all. :)

The first thing would be that yes, I am back in LA. More on that later.

The second and final (in this email) is that I'll be teaching this Saturday
at The Church in Ocean Park, which is in Santa Monica at Hill and Third,
Just a couple blocks inland from Main St.

I'm subbing this class for a friend, and will be focusing on Shakti Kundalini
Yoga, which is a form based in Bihar and Sri Vidya Tantra. It's a bit different
than probably any other yoga form you've studied, and is quite effective in
moving juice (my word for chi, qi, kundalini, prana, or energy :).

Three reasons you should come to this class:
1. You'll get high and grounded at the same time, and start your Saturday
the way you've always wanted but maybe never knew 'til now.
2. The sunlight through the stained glass makes for a beautiful morning and
is even more flattering to your complexion than candlelight.
3. You haven't seen me in close to three months, and I'm a really fun teacher,
AND I'm gonna go eat afterwards and you can come with and hang out in

Yoga Love
by Donation
Saturday, March 28
Church in Ocean Park
235 Hill St, Santa Monica, CA 90405

I promise I'll write more in the coming few. I just had to let you know asap about
this Saturday.

I look forward to seeing you soon!


Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Shakti Bhaktification (02/12/09)

Namaste Ji,

I thought at the outset I'd be rockin' emails all along these dusty roads and
divinely aligned adventures, then I made an important discovery. You can only
reflect on an experience once it's happened. When you're in it, there's no talk-
ing about it. There's just L I V I N.
So I apologize for taking a long minute to send you some words of wonder from
the mother on the other side. I've been in it, to say the least. ;)

The Shakti Bhakti house has been rockin' solid for the last few weeks. It took
us about a month to get it up and runnin', and get word out to the town about
what we're up to. We got a write up in the local paper a couple weeks back, and
that's when it really popped. We've been teaching classes to locals and travelers
alike, and for the last two weeks we've been teaching asana and pranayama to
slum kids from Mapusa. They come every day after school, 20 deep, bussed to
the halls of our house by the beautiful peeps at Children Walking Tall.
Working with kids is SO MUCH FUN!!! They're like a chorus of monkeys who do
whatever you tell them to, often in the most entertaining way possible. They've been
loving the asana practice and snacks, and the freedom to run around like banshees
then collapse into relaxation and connect to breath. They're all so cute. I'm gonna
have to do some more volunteer work with little ones when I get back to the states.
It's far too rewarding to ignore. :)

We've also been exploring different aspects and approaches to yogic practice, really
honing in on the basics, and blowin' out from there. It's been fun to play with the var-
ious ways to communicate this language of self-love. I'm looking forward to sharing
all this beauty with you.
I'll be putting together a workshop on energetic awareness and movement in the body
when I return. We'll break down some science, and then dive into some practices,
leaving each of us with a greater ability to move powerfully using subtlety.
Lemme know if you're interested, and keep your eyes peeled for more details.

Psalm and I and a large crew from Shakti Bhakti will be leaving in just a couple of
days to make our way to Andrapradesh and Vizag. There we'll visit with Guruji and
spend some time at Devipuram, a tantric ashram that I've been hearing about for
almost a year now. I'm really excited to spend some time plugged in at the temples.
This trip, though short, has been INTENSE, and it'll be nice to digest in silence before
the slam of Los Angeles.
Whole truth be told, I don't really wanna go home. There's a huge part of my heart that
calls for return, but I'm still burnin' and learnin' and lovin' this land. All good things...,
right? Right.
I see now that I was made for this...traveling, exploring, adventuring. I don't know why
Spirit took so long to send me across the world, or why I took so long to respond to the
call...regardless, it was divinely timed and laid out in the only way possible, and I've re-
discovered quintessential sides of myself. For this, and so much more, I am eternally
grateful. New chapter begun.

I could write much more, but time is limited, on your side and mine. When I find afford-
able wireless, I'll upload some pictures from the trip. Communication is more difficult
than the modern age would make it seem. Cakarega...what to do? It's India.

Breathe, be well, drink clean water, and know that I love you.


Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Indian Insanity (01/04/09)

Namaste, Friend.

I invest in loss, that I may learn the ways of the masters. I cook with abandon and insanity,
that stability may taste a little different. I don't know a damn thing about anything, and that's
alright with me.
I'm here, let's do this.

I'm just starting to figure out what the hell I'm doing here. The last few days have felt like
frustrated vacation. Surrender is the daily practice. I don't know where anything is, I don't know
anyone outside of my small small circle, and the interplay with those I know is as confusing
and enlightening as ever...what a rollercoaster, this Goan adventure.

But don't think it's not fun. I'm actually surprised at how easy it is to move in the madness that
is India. Dirty, tired, jetlagged and sweaty, but still solid with my wits about me.

I got lost the first day here...I overslept my stop on a 12 hour train ride from Mumbai. Went an
hour further down the tracks at 10pm, and dropped phat cash on a cab to Vagator. Well worth
it...but then I didn't have anyone's phone numbers (details, details), and ended up going to some
ridiculous rave on a hilltop, paying U.S. prices for some dusty dancing to bring in the New Year,
then slept for about an hour on the beach before finding my way to a well-lit porch behind some-
one's gate to read for a few hours before dawn. The South-African tribesman who owned the house
came out just after sunrise and let me use his phone and computer, cooked me breakfast and
brewed the most delicious black rose tea...the people here are amazing. Try to find that in L.A.
I paid him for his kindness and made my way to my Goan home, just down the road from where I
Time moves a little different, sleep comes and goes, and every moment is a chance to dance with
the divine. This is why I'm here. The service work is just a practice to make way for the unfoldment
of my soul.

In other news, I know that you might need some beautiful healin' while I'm out east, so I've got some
resources for ya.
To start with, my dear brother Eric B. has started a community acupuncture clinic in Venice. AMA-
In his words:
"Treatments take place in our community-loft, a tranquil, open room furnished with eight comfortable
recliners. In this setting, a collective healing energy is created, enhancing the effects of each treat-
ment. Much like the synergy of a good yoga class, Community Acupuncture treatments leave you
feeling connected, rejuvenated, inspired, and deeply supported. Cost of treatment is on a sliding scale
from $25-$50.
You decide what you can pay. No questions asked."
Sweet, huh? Check it out online for more info:

Start there.
If you would like some specific referrals for private bodywork, yoga, or meditation, email me and I'll
help you the best of my abilities.

Okay, time to jump. Time's up at the internet cafe.
I love you, and I'll break you off some more goodness in a few.

Bless Up

Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

AfroFunke Tonight (12/18/08)

There comes a time in the life of every man woman and child when the precipice
has been reached. When the mountain of stresses of everyday livin' becomes in-
surmountable, and the only thing left to do is dig down deep and blow it out. When
we realize that the only way to live is in celebration, hand in hand in jubilatory joy.
That day has come, my friend. This day is that day. Thursday, December 18, 2008.

Whether you're working for the man, working for yourself, or working for the Almighty,
it's time to turn your eyes to the skies and let out a cry, for you are ALIVE. And
within this life is ever-expanding good and infinite possibility. Yes.
Go ahead! Frighten your neighbors. Make the man sitting next to you think you've
finally lost your everlovin'. They will stand in awe and envy of a life lived so fully. Then
maybe they'll catch the fever and start howlin' at the moon, too. :)

And when day is done, when you've got a smile permanently plastered to your face &
many tales of strange and wonderful experiences, make your way to Santa Monica,
and meet me at the corner of 5th and Arizona...
For you see, amigo, tonight is the last AfroFunke of the year, and DJ J.Sole will be pul-
lin' out all the stops to bring us the very best in Afro-Cuban beats beautifully blended
with '70s funk and soul, masterfully crafted on the ones and twos.
This is a night to sweat. This is a night to remember. This is a night to shake it all off
as we pull into Christmas and carry through the New Year.

How do you want to live?

I'd look forward to seeing you out on the floor.

In Love

Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.