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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

it's 4:27 on day 27 of my journey into the heart of my own insecurity. i'm gettin' sick of sayin' that the mother is having her way with me, so today i choose to say "i'm feelin' it." my gut rumbles in my second bout with dysentary...don't drink the water...or do, and let it move through you... ;)
i have been slackin' on my commitment to keep a running journal, as i've not had daily access to a computer, and i've given myself 40,000 projects while i'm here...of course. is this not the pattern i've sought to smash in the last 365 days? i came out with an ipod to record songs, a computer to record thoughts, a sketchbook to record colors, a body to record love, and a desire to chase down the unattainable...the love of a madwoman.
it's all happening, of course, but in its own stunted disjointed time. i'm teaching classes in the midst of the mix, and of course interacting with those at the eclectic array of international travellers called to our halls by our hearts and the promise of something extraordinary.
we got sauce.
and i've got the runs.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Another Day in Vagator

I awoke with the sun this morning to meditate. Solid start to the day, rising this way, lit candles, incense, offerings, and sat. Alternate nostril breathing, Agne Sar Kria, Uttiana Bandha, then stillness...silence...
Except of course for the Indian pop blaring from down the hall...Gregory, our house man was mopping the floors while dancing to his tunes...beautiful. I sat through it. Found my center within the midst of the distraction.
Then I laid down to read and promptly fell back to sleep. I woke up a little while later, read some more, and went back to sleep...this pattern continued until 1:45 in the afternoon...I don't know when was the last time I've done something so indulgent. Sleeping until well after mid day...
And now I sit at the Menali Guest House, formulating the plot for the rest of the day that I've got.
Food is definitely in order...and I suppose more meditation.
When we don't know what to do, practice.
Answers come.