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Monday, August 24, 2009

Shakti Bhaktification (02/12/09)

Namaste Ji,

I thought at the outset I'd be rockin' emails all along these dusty roads and
divinely aligned adventures, then I made an important discovery. You can only
reflect on an experience once it's happened. When you're in it, there's no talk-
ing about it. There's just L I V I N.
So I apologize for taking a long minute to send you some words of wonder from
the mother on the other side. I've been in it, to say the least. ;)

The Shakti Bhakti house has been rockin' solid for the last few weeks. It took
us about a month to get it up and runnin', and get word out to the town about
what we're up to. We got a write up in the local paper a couple weeks back, and
that's when it really popped. We've been teaching classes to locals and travelers
alike, and for the last two weeks we've been teaching asana and pranayama to
slum kids from Mapusa. They come every day after school, 20 deep, bussed to
the halls of our house by the beautiful peeps at Children Walking Tall.
Working with kids is SO MUCH FUN!!! They're like a chorus of monkeys who do
whatever you tell them to, often in the most entertaining way possible. They've been
loving the asana practice and snacks, and the freedom to run around like banshees
then collapse into relaxation and connect to breath. They're all so cute. I'm gonna
have to do some more volunteer work with little ones when I get back to the states.
It's far too rewarding to ignore. :)

We've also been exploring different aspects and approaches to yogic practice, really
honing in on the basics, and blowin' out from there. It's been fun to play with the var-
ious ways to communicate this language of self-love. I'm looking forward to sharing
all this beauty with you.
I'll be putting together a workshop on energetic awareness and movement in the body
when I return. We'll break down some science, and then dive into some practices,
leaving each of us with a greater ability to move powerfully using subtlety.
Lemme know if you're interested, and keep your eyes peeled for more details.

Psalm and I and a large crew from Shakti Bhakti will be leaving in just a couple of
days to make our way to Andrapradesh and Vizag. There we'll visit with Guruji and
spend some time at Devipuram, a tantric ashram that I've been hearing about for
almost a year now. I'm really excited to spend some time plugged in at the temples.
This trip, though short, has been INTENSE, and it'll be nice to digest in silence before
the slam of Los Angeles.
Whole truth be told, I don't really wanna go home. There's a huge part of my heart that
calls for return, but I'm still burnin' and learnin' and lovin' this land. All good things...,
right? Right.
I see now that I was made for this...traveling, exploring, adventuring. I don't know why
Spirit took so long to send me across the world, or why I took so long to respond to the
call...regardless, it was divinely timed and laid out in the only way possible, and I've re-
discovered quintessential sides of myself. For this, and so much more, I am eternally
grateful. New chapter begun.

I could write much more, but time is limited, on your side and mine. When I find afford-
able wireless, I'll upload some pictures from the trip. Communication is more difficult
than the modern age would make it seem. Cakarega...what to do? It's India.

Breathe, be well, drink clean water, and know that I love you.


Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

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