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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Austin, Texas (07/14/09)

Hey There, Mi Amigo,

I haven't written in a while. My apologies. :) I've been sortin' out this
new life of mine in the beautiful city of Austin. It's hotter'n hell this
summer, record breaking temperatures and all, but the trees are big and
green, and EVERYWHERE, Barton Springs is cold and lovely, and the
women wear very little. My kind of town. :)

Still, with all this beauty, and the blessed support of my family, I've
found myself going through A LOT of ups and downs. It's lonely when
you're the new kid in town, and all this solitude serves to bring me face
to face with my fiercest critic...daily. I've had the opportunity to tear apart
my head on several occasions, and witness this sharp, sabre-toothed
longing to find fulfillment and freedom rip at me from the inside. It's been
at my back during the day, and kept me up nights writhing in discomfort.

I've looked everywhere for distraction from the madness, phoning old friends,
reading books, staying on facebook for far too long...even diving daily into
the maelstrom with mind-wrenching meditations, and I've learned a thing or

1. Getting into my body is a beautiful thing. I've been rejuvenating
my yoga practice with a saint of a ball-breaking teacher at a
local studio. He's taken me under his wing to groom me for a
potential teaching position. Thank you, Chrispy.
When I'm moving my pulse with purpose, I think less of my short-
comings, and the beast takes a break.
Swimming has been a God-send as well. The feeling of the water
flowing over my skin as I fly through fluidity is pure bliss.
2. Sometimes you gotta break stuff to make stuff. Being ugly is
as big a part of the process as the pretty pieces, if not bigger. In
order to grow and bring dreams to fruition, one must go through
the physical and mental discomfort of self-doubt and the valley of
the shadow of tomorrow's promises. It ain't pretty...that's why so
many people give up and squander their days in the comfy swamp
of mediocrity.
3. Life goes on. We live in the realm of terra firma, once an idea in
the mind of the Divine, and that's the game at play. Turn the un-
manifest into the manifest. Self-discovery is what happens when
you actualize your potential by putting everything you got into
realizing a vision. In other words, devotion to making dreams con-
crete is the greatest guru one can have. Keep on L I V I N.

I'm working on a pretty big project that I'm not ready to unveil just yet, but
know that I really look forward to telling you all about it. Just gotta let the
sauce simmer for a bit before I take the lid off. ;)

So that's it: nothing to sell, no events to promote, just the musings of a mad-
man standing tip-toed at the edge, screaming into the abyss with fistfuls of
moist soil.

Give me a shout when you have the time. I look forward to hearing from you.

Much Love

Love, Burn, Laugh and Learn...and above all else, Know Thyself.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

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