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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How To Find Your Money

"When I had finished smoking, don Juan told me that we were there so I could find out the kind of game I was supposed to hunt. He carefully repeated three times that the most important aspect of my endeavor was to
find some holes. He emphasized the word 'holes' and said that inside them a sorcerer could find all sorts of messages and directions...He repeated at various times that I should focus all my attention on listening to sounds and do my best to find the holes between the sounds."
~Carlos Castaneda, A Separate Reality

Many a master has said that it's the space between that holds the mystery...the magic of existence. Music is experienced between the notes, life is what happens when you're busy making other plans, and Spirit whispers when we stop to take a breath.

As we soften and peer into these "holes," a great deal is revealed. The womb of the Mother shares her secrets.

So what does this have to do with money and marketing?

In the masculine game of domination and conquest, we seek holes to fill. We listen closely to the sounds of those around us...those whom we wish to serve (usually those who can afford our services) to determine their interests. Then we expand our awareness to also listen closely to the business leaders already fulfilling many of the needs of our audience, and find the holes left in the cross-hatch...the areas of demand not currently met.

Those holes hold inspiration and invigoration. They also hold money.

In Castaneda's tale, once a hole was discovered, he and don Juan spent the rest of the day discerning the message, then weeks in preparation and travel to accumulate the resources needed to find the perfect platform from which they could form an alliance with a powerful spirit.

In the same way, once we, as businessmen and marketers, find that hole in the market, we've gotta figure out what it means, train and prepare through long hours and hard work, and dive in to create something worth offering to our perfect, powerful audience. We give them what they want, better than anyone else can, because we're willing to dive deeper than anyone else and burn to find the answers that most folks won't.

So listen close...your money is calling.

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