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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

rainy days

I've spent the last two days holed up with my computer and a series of cups of piping hot tea, Earl Grey in the morning, peppermint, rooibos and chamomile as the day wears on. While I generally like to spend my time outside, enjoying the fresh oxygen from these surrounding trees and playing with my friends, I've enjoyed these quiet days of solitude. They give me the temporal presence (time and space :) I need to do the inner step into the General's Tent. From this place, magic happens.

This morning I woke up late and rolled slow through the early day, taking my time taking my shower, eating, getting dressed, playing on facebook...all the while knowing full well that I had work to do and (softly) kickin' my own ass for knowingly procrastinating.
Finally, after a couple rounds of aimless pacing around my apartment, avoiding riding my bike in the rain to go get a cappuccino, I parked myself in my special spot and closed my eyes to meditate.
I was in for quite a while, feeling the anxious tug to come out and get active, but feeling an even stronger drive to sit still a little while longer and breathe a little deeper.
After about 45mins (easily double my morning dose), I omm'd home and threw in a hyper-oxygenating breath technique for good measure, bowed in appreciation for the day, prayed to have my obstacles removed, said amen and sat back up.

AT THAT MOMENT, there was a knock on my door. I figured it was the apartment crew coming to fix my garbage disposal, but when I opened my door, I found my friendly downstairs neighbor, Denise, standing there with a smile. She told me she was about to leave to run some errands, and wanted to know if I needed anything. "No-one," she said, "should have to ride their bike in the rain." :)

I caught a lift to Starbucks with her, and as I've sat here, waiting for it to stop raining, I've gotten caught up on all the internet-based computer work that I've been dodging for the last week or so. What a blessing.

When I was a kid, rainy days were my cue to bust out the coloring book and crayons, play-dough and plastic scissors, glue, construction paper and old magazines. They were some of my favorite days to play.

As I got older, rainy days triggered depression, isolation and introversion, sometimes lasting for weeks.

Now I think I'll blend the two. Bust out the colors and get hella introspective. Quiet the mind and go inside long enough to talk to God.

The rain just let up a little. I think it's time to go home.

Namaste, and God bless.

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